Monday, February 26, 2001

Chapter 5: Help me I'm melting!

Well, Australia was my terra incognito, and so far it’s not been what I expected. I think I was expecting a bigger, more cosmopolitan version of Capetown, something of Europe, but instead I got something which was shockingly new world, modern, full of highways, skyscrapers and neon. Instead of Capetown, I got Los Angeles in a parallel universe. In fact, I think the original colonialist doctrine of terra nullius (that there was no one here when the first Europeans arrived, patently false but obviously convenient) still holds. There really, really are no people here; only replicants.

Last night after the Harbour Party, which was held on a strip of land overlooking the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge - beautiful - we took a boat across the harbour to a nightclub called Home, all glass, steel, space age materials, and light. Huge. The boys were more American than the Americans themselves. Yikes! It's quite fitting, really, that the money is plastic too.

In many ways Sydney reminds me a lot of Vancouver except (a) Vancouver doesn’t have the Opera House (b) it’s a LOT hotter and more humid here (help me, I’m melting!) (c) the sea in Vancouver has a much brinier, more organic, soupier smell and it’s greener too (d) the air here smells of eucalyptus rather than pine and cedar. I’m staying in a hotel called the W, on Wooloomooloo Wharf. Try saying that to the taxi driver after a few drinks! Anyway, the W is very chic, but is very dark, like the Royalton in New York. I feel like I’m staying in a rabbit warren. The guests all wear black, and drink sophisticated cocktails out of impossible glasses, but have AustRAYleeeeannnnn accents that will shatter glass, I'm sure. But the bed is spectacularly comfortable, and I’ve never felt cotton sheets sooooooo soft; how will I ever sleep on a rattan matt in Bali after this? Anyway, currently I’m sleeping lots, perhaps catching up! I’ve done little of the touristy things so far, but this week is my week to do ALL of that, and tops of my list is the Museum of New South Wales which has the biggest collection of aboriginal art anywhere in the world. Took a walk today in the Botannical Gardens, and looked at the strange plants, so different. Today in the Gardens I heard the chittering of birds and looked up to see a tree festooned with huge bats, like dark furry fruits. Clearly I'm not alone in thinking it's pretty hot, cause even the bats were unfurling their wings to fan themselves, like Victorian laidies at a risque play. In the Botanical Gardens I noticed that even the grass is different here, soft and feathery and light green, not like the razor hasping lawn of Africa or the cultivated pelts of England. The seaweed here is light lime green too, the exact colour of the lawn. The birds are Sacred ibises or sulpher crested cockatoos and noisy, like hawdidas or ravens. Still, I've not yet seen those classic antipodean oddities, the Koalas or Kangaroos, but I've a feeling it's only a matter of time!

Anyway, so what else have been doing? Well, I went with Ian and some friends of his to see a divine country and western drag queen (and I HATE drag) called Tina C, who sang her own songs, delicious titles of which included: "I became schizophrenic so I could love you twice as much" and "Is my finger too big for your ring?" and "No dick is as hard as my life". In fact, gay Sydney seems to be ruled by drag queens. Even the cute muscle boys do drag; steroids in the morning, and makeup after dark. It's too, too weird. Sitting atop the pyramid of Sydney's gay life you can be sure is a drag queen, in makeup that's running (it's that darn heat again!). I don't understand, but then I suppose that's because I haven't gotten in touch with my inner Drag Queen.

Well, that's all for now. If my Inner Drag Queen does make an appearance, I'll be sure to feed her to the Great White Sharks! I'll write more later.

Saturday, February 17, 2001

Chapter 4: The incredible expanding life of Peter Worthington

Ackckckckcck! D-day (as in departure, not detonation) approaches. A little over two weeks, or 17 days to be precise. I'm kinda freakin' out. Sooooooo much to do, though I suppose at the end of the day it will all get done, one way or another. Had a goodbye party for Morgan folks last night. Quite fun, margaritas were a huge hit; they ran out, but i'm left with 8 flats (ie packages of 36) castle beer! I know gay boys don't like beer, but as Michael Kirkwood says, a true homosexual will drink what's on offer, so at my party for friends on Feb 17, the Stollie and the Bollie are shut away until "die kinder" have disposed of the beer. I have decided to ship the cats to Canada, 'cause I know Mum will look after them well. I'm going to miss them, they are sooooo friendly.

I'm not going into the office anymore. The new research team has been officially named, and I don't have anything really to do, aside from some last minute advisory work they are trying to shove onto me, saying that I'm the only one who can do it. But, that's ridiculous! I've been retrenched. And I told them so. What can they do? Fire me? I guess NOT. Consequently, Michael and I are driving down to the Drakensburg Mountains (meaning Dragon's BAck) for some hiking and driving up the Sani Pass to Lesotho, before I fly to London on Thursday evening. Anyway, I can't complain. Morgan have treated me well. The retrenchment program's financial packages were not the most generous ever, but within the remits of the overall program parameters, Morgan were incredibly genergous to me, buying me out of options for example, which they had no obligation to do. I have no bad feelings, and if I ever do go back into finance, I would definately look at Morgan again.

We've just had the steamiest, driving rainstorm here (after a hot hot morning) and now everything is dripping and the African soil smell is in the air. The hawdeedaw birds, which look like pterodactyls, are probing the long with their curved beaks for worms. The cats are following them with calculating green eyes. Now one has come to lie on my keyboard. Why do they do that? Now the sun is out. Gonna go make myself a little milkshake.... be right back..... Yum, yum, chocolate Milkshake! Delicious, and healthy. Thank you Mr Myoplex.

Later, on February 17 itself...D-day zooms towards me, with an accelerating pace it seems too. A little over two days left, to be precise. I'm now SUPER-DOOPERLY freakin' out. I haven't slept properly in days. Tonight my final send-off party. I just want to sleep. I leave in two days and arrive in Sydney in four days. Don't ask about my route and flight schedule, it's too scary. Still, whole new horizons are expanding before me. I have a premonition about Australia. Something major will happen there, I just know. Of course, the "something" could be a major nervous breakdown brought on by lack of sleep, but I think it's actually something positive: Love? Fame? Fortune? All Three? Folks, that's all for now. Too, too, too much to do.

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