Chapter 62: Strange things about my body
As a 43 year old gay man, I am beginning to feel that I'm at a crossroads as regards my complex and troubled relationship with my body. The problem is that my body starting to show its age, and it seems that I am faced with a stark choice: obsess about it, or let it go.
My shoulder injury is turning me into a blancmange
For example, how am I supposed to react to the development of an acromioclavicular (AC) shoulder joint injury? "Cyst on the bone, from too much weight lifting, happens with older people" said my sports doctor, as he tapped a funny gray protrusion on a bone in the X-ray of my shoulder.
I nearly wept, and then I wanted to rip his face off. Older people! But honestly, that cyst is catastrophic! "No tennis, no swimming, no shoulder exercises, no chest exercises. For two months. And then we'll see," said Dr Ibrahim, sounding not especially optimistic. I can already feel my body deflating. I will become "flaco" as the Spaniards so aptly put it. I will morph into the human equivalent of a blancmange.
Even my mother liked my tattoo
I must confess, however, that I'm awfully pleased with my new tattoo (see below). Even my mother liked it, which is truly saying something! I had expected her to spontaneously give birth to triplets when she saw it - she's 80 - but for some inexplicable reason she liked it. "It's not a picture, after all" she said. If anyone can explain what she meant I'll give them $100. But even though I've been uber-thrilled with my tattoo, the other day when I was admiring it in the mirror of the gym I noticed that when I bend my arm into a right angle, there's some truly hideous creping of the skin in the elbow fold. Now, where can one get a plastic surgeon who specializes in elbow lifts?

Some thoughts on my hair, since you all seem so personally invested in it
And anyway, what about gray hair? None on my head yet, praise the Lord, but that's actually pretty scant consolation since the hair there is falling out faster than it can turn grey. "It's awfully fine" said the hairdresser, dubiously, as she fingered my scalp with a resigned sigh. "I'll do the best I can, but..." I didn't need her to finish the sentence to know that she meant to say that at my age I clearly mustn't expect trichological miracles.
So I've been agonizing for weeks over what to do with my hair. Everyone seems to have a strong opinion on this subject and they are not shy of voicing their minds, which has left me even more confused than before. "Mean and sleazy" said some friends about my shaved-head look. "Ridiculous, I mean just how old are you, anyway?" asked others (rhetorically) about my mohawk. "Unbelievably dorky, and just plain ugly" said still other good friends about my recent attempts to grow my hair out.
My writer friend Bridgit captured the dilemma by opining “Well you look younger with hair but sexier without hair.” I know she meant to be helpful, but how could she? How could she give me this reply which simply does not compute? It’s like asking calculator to divide by zero. Error! Error! Error! (When I was a child my mother and brother and I bought my father one of the first ever home calculators for his birthday. It was a black plastic box about the size of a bread loaf, could only do simple arithmetical operations and best of all you had to plug it into the wall! The display would go crazy if you tried to divide by zero. My brother and I thought it would be cool to divide by zero and leave it running to see what would happen. The calculator caught on fire and melted into the carpet. This is a true story.)
Anyway, I've decided. A quarter of an inch of hair is the look which suits me best. Now stop with the well meant but frankly distressing slurry of advice. It's upsetting me.
If I get gray pubes, it's all over
And speaking of gray hair, what about the other parts of my body? Fortunately, there are no awful gray monsters lurking around my pink bits yet. (Gray pubic hair truly will be the end.) But I do now have many gray beard hears, and they are causing me no end of grooming problems since they simply refuse to clipper off along with their black brothers.
And folks, how about gray nostril hairs? Today I found a one, very long, very thick, poking impudently out of my left nostril. What does it all mean? Nothing good I’m sure. Probably a harbinger of early onset Alzheimer’s.
And what about my hip/ankle/lower back/elbow?
I could go on. For example, I could talk at length about my hip that delights in spontaneously giving way on occasion, usually in front of some really cute guy in the street. Or I could blather on about clicky knees, or my ankle that hurts when I run, or indeed my lower back that hurts every morning when I get out of bed. Or I could go on about the strange fact that I also seem to have tennis elbow and golfers elbow simultaneously. And for the record, I've never golfed in my life. Oh, the sad truth is that I may still look OK, but underneath it all, I'm falling apart desperately quickly.
Freakishly large calves
Finally, let's talk about my calves. Actually, more to the point, let's not. Oh, I do wish people would stop remarking on them. If I wear shorts at the gym, I am hounded by people asking me about them. “Freakishly large” said one sensitive person the other day. Honestly, I feel just like the woman with double G boobs. No one looks at my face or cares about my personality. They just stare lasciviously at my legs.
Still, its not all bad with calves. They could, like the woman with the double G tits, be my route to fame and riches. I could go and develop some useless bit of machinery with an exercise program to get “calves like mine” and then go on the infomercial sales circuit. I’d be a frikkin millionaire in days. And if I died in a plane crash, at least my calves would easily feed a family of five survivors. And I suppose, even in my day-to-day existence, my monstrous "freakishly large" calves are better than chicken legs. Yes, they're definitely preferable to chicken legs. At least I have that. Oh, thank God!
So, dear readers, tell me: How am I doing on the letting go, as opposed to obsessing, about my body?
My shoulder injury is turning me into a blancmange
For example, how am I supposed to react to the development of an acromioclavicular (AC) shoulder joint injury? "Cyst on the bone, from too much weight lifting, happens with older people" said my sports doctor, as he tapped a funny gray protrusion on a bone in the X-ray of my shoulder.

I must confess, however, that I'm awfully pleased with my new tattoo (see below). Even my mother liked it, which is truly saying something! I had expected her to spontaneously give birth to triplets when she saw it - she's 80 - but for some inexplicable reason she liked it. "It's not a picture, after all" she said. If anyone can explain what she meant I'll give them $100. But even though I've been uber-thrilled with my tattoo, the other day when I was admiring it in the mirror of the gym I noticed that when I bend my arm into a right angle, there's some truly hideous creping of the skin in the elbow fold. Now, where can one get a plastic surgeon who specializes in elbow lifts?
Some thoughts on my hair, since you all seem so personally invested in it
And anyway, what about gray hair? None on my head yet, praise the Lord, but that's actually pretty scant consolation since the hair there is falling out faster than it can turn grey. "It's awfully fine" said the hairdresser, dubiously, as she fingered my scalp with a resigned sigh. "I'll do the best I can, but..." I didn't need her to finish the sentence to know that she meant to say that at my age I clearly mustn't expect trichological miracles.
So I've been agonizing for weeks over what to do with my hair. Everyone seems to have a strong opinion on this subject and they are not shy of voicing their minds, which has left me even more confused than before. "Mean and sleazy" said some friends about my shaved-head look. "Ridiculous, I mean just how old are you, anyway?" asked others (rhetorically) about my mohawk. "Unbelievably dorky, and just plain ugly" said still other good friends about my recent attempts to grow my hair out.
My writer friend Bridgit captured the dilemma by opining “Well you look younger with hair but sexier without hair.” I know she meant to be helpful, but how could she? How could she give me this reply which simply does not compute? It’s like asking calculator to divide by zero. Error! Error! Error! (When I was a child my mother and brother and I bought my father one of the first ever home calculators for his birthday. It was a black plastic box about the size of a bread loaf, could only do simple arithmetical operations and best of all you had to plug it into the wall! The display would go crazy if you tried to divide by zero. My brother and I thought it would be cool to divide by zero and leave it running to see what would happen. The calculator caught on fire and melted into the carpet. This is a true story.)
Anyway, I've decided. A quarter of an inch of hair is the look which suits me best. Now stop with the well meant but frankly distressing slurry of advice. It's upsetting me.
If I get gray pubes, it's all over
And speaking of gray hair, what about the other parts of my body? Fortunately, there are no awful gray monsters lurking around my pink bits yet. (Gray pubic hair truly will be the end.) But I do now have many gray beard hears, and they are causing me no end of grooming problems since they simply refuse to clipper off along with their black brothers.
And folks, how about gray nostril hairs? Today I found a one, very long, very thick, poking impudently out of my left nostril. What does it all mean? Nothing good I’m sure. Probably a harbinger of early onset Alzheimer’s.
And what about my hip/ankle/lower back/elbow?
I could go on. For example, I could talk at length about my hip that delights in spontaneously giving way on occasion, usually in front of some really cute guy in the street. Or I could blather on about clicky knees, or my ankle that hurts when I run, or indeed my lower back that hurts every morning when I get out of bed. Or I could go on about the strange fact that I also seem to have tennis elbow and golfers elbow simultaneously. And for the record, I've never golfed in my life. Oh, the sad truth is that I may still look OK, but underneath it all, I'm falling apart desperately quickly.
Freakishly large calves
Finally, let's talk about my calves. Actually, more to the point, let's not. Oh, I do wish people would stop remarking on them. If I wear shorts at the gym, I am hounded by people asking me about them. “Freakishly large” said one sensitive person the other day. Honestly, I feel just like the woman with double G boobs. No one looks at my face or cares about my personality. They just stare lasciviously at my legs.
Still, its not all bad with calves. They could, like the woman with the double G tits, be my route to fame and riches. I could go and develop some useless bit of machinery with an exercise program to get “calves like mine” and then go on the infomercial sales circuit. I’d be a frikkin millionaire in days. And if I died in a plane crash, at least my calves would easily feed a family of five survivors. And I suppose, even in my day-to-day existence, my monstrous "freakishly large" calves are better than chicken legs. Yes, they're definitely preferable to chicken legs. At least I have that. Oh, thank God!

Hey Peter...
Sorry to hear about yer shoulder and other body dilemmas.
I'm waaay ahead of ya though, buddy... jumper's knee, gout, grey pubes, mid-life crisis fauxhawk and all... my chest hair is now a downy white, actually and I have to trim my nose/ear hair at least once a week.
Wasn't too happy about it at first... but am beginning to enjoy and accept the new me.
You will too... in time.
My dear love, on the one hand i can hear my mother's voice and peut-etre yours saying "Get a Job! When I was your age, I didn't worry about grey hair - I just ripped the bloody things out and got on with life, blah, blah, blah...", but on the other hand I kind of feel your pain, then theres the part of me that says "Stop wining and do something about it!"
This is my five point plan to remedy all that ails ya - number six is just an opinion:
Number 1. Get your oils into ya! Omega's et al, cod liver, vitamin e - you probably already do this but some oils are great repairers of joints.
Number 2. Stop using that bloody lavender smelling shower gel - I know that they say it keeps the moisture in your skin but they are lying - it sucks out all the moisture then covers your body in stuff that makes it feel soft - so its soft but you'll end up with crepey bits. To keep the crepey bits at bay, use sorbolene instead of soap. If you want an intensive moisturise; shower and rinse using a loofah glove to scrub off all the dead skin, then while you are still wet cover your body in Sorbolene (its icky but let it dry on you if you can, otherwise towel yourself dry). You may feel sticky for about five minutes - in twenty you will feel like you're at least twenty eight again -skin wise and your crepey bits will disappear.
Number 3. Regaine here, Rogaine in North America - the new formula is stronger and actually works! Laser hair regrowth, costs a bit but so does living life to the fullest!
Number 4. Visualise, stop focussing on the bits that are falling apart and focus on the bits that work. If you can't train then visualise your body at the best its ever been - then every time you start thinking 'old, decrepit, one foot in the grave stuff' STOP and think of your ideal body. DO NOT look in the mirror too often as well - if you can keep that up for a month your ideal body will miraculously appear in reflections you get of yourself or people will start telling you how hot you look. You can also do that with your cyst, imagine it disappearing and youself doing all the things you love to do easily and painlessly - Do it everyday!
Number 5. Grey hairs pull those suckers out! By the root. Wherever they are - even better wax your pubes off - painful? No painful is when your younger lover puts a little too much emphasis on 'Daddy' or starts humming, "oh my papa" while giving you head!
Number 6. Your calves. Like I told you when we first met. They're a work of art! (I love the way you've shot them so that they actually look kind of average by the way) And Honey it really depends on what shorts you are wearing too (and whether you are wearing knickers at the time)- I don't think it was your calves that attracted me initially; it was more the gentle samba your package did when you walked across the courtyard.
Finally, there in lies the key to getting old in the gay world - big cocks never age!
And in the real world - your friends got past your physical beauty twenty minutes past the initial meeting (ok maybe a day later) and your inner beauty, geeky and kinda sexy as it is, took over - and that never ages.
Big, big love, long, long time.
hey dude very entertaining update as usual. i think every single gent of our generation is feeling the same feelings, experiencing the horror that is gray hairs (ANYWHERE!!!!!!!), and attempting to deal with it all - mentally and groomingly. Its really not easy is it! I am getting horribly stressed out at the thought of hitting fifty in a few years. I dealt with hitting forty with no anguish at all but 5-0 is a different matter! Way way too depressing to contemplate. where are you now? back in canada? i just got back to london after 6 weeks in malta and its great to be back here. XXX Christian
Yr not 43!! I won’t believe it
Well, you’ll be happy to know that I’m falling apart too – and I also have freakishly large calves that could give yours a very good run for their money. Perhaps I’ll send a photo when I finally get them shaved, which given the weather here might not be necessary for a while.
As for your shoulder injury, that’s a total drag, but at least you can still work your calves while you wait for it to heal. Seriously, have you tried acupuncture? I have had more luck with that than anything else I’ve tried for my various ailments.
The good news is my annual mammogram just came back negative; the bad news is I have to have a pap smear (now there’s an extremely gross, if apt, word) next week. There is no way that a prostrate exam can even come close to the horrors of the pap.
Now the hair thing, I have to say that over the past few months I have seen more grey hairs in the rearview mirror than I would have liked at my young age. My hairdresser says I just have to come for highlights more regularly … I think that sending my kids out for adoption might have a better effect.
It seems like we’re all worrying about our hair, too much here, not enough there, it’s absolutely crazy how much money must be spent on the hair industry.
Keep the blog coming, it’s so fun to read.
I think that you're hot just the way you are! :-)
Weird u should mention cyst. had one removed last night, on my wrist (insert appropriate joke). it was a general anaesthetic job, lasted 40mn. was back home the same hands look like Freddie krugers. will never be a hand model.
Peter your blog is great - too funny man! you cracking me up over the whole age thing.. I just know I am going to be visiting those areas when I get there in another 10 years... but you still got the best body in Jeri - okay - and also I never knew you were 43 - I kind guessed around - to be honest - 37/38 yrs old
Hey Pete
I thought my no hair/with hair opinion was useful..maybe this is the key to the dilemma - you ARE sexier with no hair, and you do look younger with....but who wants young when you can have sexy? I would rather slither around with a naked George Clooney than ummm...a young hot bod (you see i'm so old I can't even name one). So accept that you are older but sexier than when you were 21 even if you have grey nose hair and a dodgy hip.
Lots of love
Bridge xxx
My dear Peter. Sorry to hear about all this, but I'm also sorry to say, it's life. I just had both my main nerves relocated in my arms because my pinky and ring fingers were going numb in both hands. The left fingers are much better, but the right ones are still numb, have Dr.'s appt. tomorrow. Talk about wrinkled elbows, throw in some scars, that's a look. Had to lay off gym for a while just when I was really making progress, but I'm back trying to keep everything in place. Thank God my ass still hasn't fallen as it's one of my strong points. The surgery was the alternate choice which was going to be neck surgery where they go through my throat. I also have arthritis in my neck so bad my Dr. said he never saw it so bad in someone my age. My suggestion, which what i am considering, is to find an older bf so you'll always look better or try to get hook a bf soon before anything else goes, I'm leaning toward the latter.
Oh, one more thing, the scare on the right is awful, I may have him fix it. Oh, and more, lots of grey coming in head and face, none elsewhere so far.
You're getting older.And while things may look grim, you can reflect on a few jewels I happened to glean:
1. You're getting rusty joints: That's ok, but when you go out to clubs, and guys accuse you of posing, you can say 'Thanks! I've worked hard get my joints in this position so I can look cool for hours without trying!' Also it's a nice way of picking up money of travels by going to stores and applying for 'mannequin'
2. Now that there's a food shortage crisis, you can take solace that should a family of four find you, the will be eating organically grown meat that has been in the sun, albeit a little too long.
3. On becoming blancmange: There's actually a double bonus here: if you do get all wobbly, you can mold yourself to what ever you like; it's like play-doh. Don't want to be a round ball? Be a sausage instead. And with plastic surgery, you can feel free to inject all the fat in your ass into your face. But then you might look like a toad with trousers, and you'll have to go into a headstand to sit down.
4. Greying in parts and hair: I think the curtains should always match the drapes. You know-dark with dark, light with light, bald eagle get the idea.
I hope this gives comfort to an otherwise 'Barbie gets a mole' story. But then, as the first digit of my age has never seen 3, what would I know ;-)
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