Chapter 65: Fire Island via Paris, London and Toronto
After my Barcelona beach bumming, I elected to do a whistlestop tour of Paris, London, Toronto to see friends and celebrate my 44th (gasp!) birthday, before I landed up in Fire Island for a glorious week of tranquility and beauty. You are advised to read through, because there are great pictures of this very special place. But first, here's some pics, in locational order:
Gaspar behaving strangely outside the Francois Mitterand library. I think he ate some hallucinogenics. Gaspar has the lovely talent of always having fun wherever he goes. It's brilliant. He has a lovely boyfriend Chady, and I would have put up a photo of him too, except he would kill me if I put up the photo that I took of him. It didn't come out right.

My hot friend Herve, who takes the most beautiful photos of subway grafitti art, and is the ONLY gay I've ever met who's a huge heavy metal fan. He even plays the base. I learned more about Heavy Metal from him in a couple of days, than I'd learned in all the rest of my life. But I still don't really like it. (Sorry Herve!)

Clowning around at lunch in Paris. I look freakish with the glass in my eye, like some fish human mutant hybrid.

Me. Herve's photographic talents showing up.

Tony Abidou, who squired me with endless patience and heart palpitating sexiness around Paris. Big kiss and hug for him.

London:Celebrated my 44th birthday with dear friends, thanks to the deeply kind hospitality of James, David and Grant who kindly lent me their lovely flat. Here's James when I told him just how many people (20 or so) would be coming to the drinks "for 6 people". It's like something out of The Shining.
Here's the obligatory ex-wives line up in the next photo. Got three of the four significant men in my life (from middle tall one to the right, there's Ian, Mark, and Max. Only Llew was missing, selfishly having gone on holiday to Italy during the week of my birthday! Also in the photo are Gary and Richard, Max's delightful new partner.

Paul, me, AD (who was in my Barcelona photos previous chapter), and Richard. Fortunately there are no photos of German, AD's model boyfriend, because just makes everyone else look ridiculously bad when he's in a photo with them.
And then another night, my lovely friend Brad (far right) threw a birthday dinner for me, to which my divine friends Malcolm and Diana (also below) who so kindly always let me use their flat like a hotel when I come to London joined. And in the picture to follow are their two munchkins, making my bed into a trampoline and my room into a shriek box.

And lovely Ian and Agu, for breakfast.
Went to Toronto to visit my lesbian posse. We went out on a boat on the lake for my best friend Ruth's friend Dani, below on left with Ruth's girlfriend Susie. Dani captained the boat.
Debbie, Dani's girlfriend and Jennifer, Ruth's ex-girlfriend and yours truly:
Jennifer, looking lovely:
It's so nice when your current partner and your expartner are friends. Here's Susie and Jen:
Me and Ruth, as always:
Here's me, Ruth and Ruth's ex-once removed girlfriend Diane, showing all the money we won playing blackjack at the Canadian National Exhibition Centre casino one afternoon. We won about $600 in total I think. Goodness, gambling and winning is fun!
Me and Di, at dinner in the garden. She's divine.

One of my very oldest friends, Mike Kaneva (best friend of one of my ex-wives lineup, Mark) from the London photos above also came to dinner in the garden.
Gotta have a photo of the dog in there too!
And now, to glorious, beautiful, tranquil Fire Island. Here's the beach, which goes on for 30 miles.
There are no cars on the island, which is a giant sandbank. You get around by walking the boardwalks:

Here's my lovely friend Matthias, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely. He's so lovely I just want to eat him - and this is not a sexual comment you dirty minded pervs - I really do. With his three puggles (cross between a beagle and a pug). They're called Poopy, Annie and Spanky. Don't ask me "Why Poopy?"
Me with Spanky:
Poopy sleeping on my chest. I was not breast feeding him, though I'm sure he'd take it if I could give it.
They had a beach party here, just beautful:

Where I met Matthias's (and now mine too) lovely friends Frank and Allen:
But mostly Matthias and I just loved hanging around in our beach shack, having fun...:

...with the dogs (Spanky and Annie here)...
...being crazy:

I just love Matthias, I really really do.
Gaspar behaving strangely outside the Francois Mitterand library. I think he ate some hallucinogenics. Gaspar has the lovely talent of always having fun wherever he goes. It's brilliant. He has a lovely boyfriend Chady, and I would have put up a photo of him too, except he would kill me if I put up the photo that I took of him. It didn't come out right.
My hot friend Herve, who takes the most beautiful photos of subway grafitti art, and is the ONLY gay I've ever met who's a huge heavy metal fan. He even plays the base. I learned more about Heavy Metal from him in a couple of days, than I'd learned in all the rest of my life. But I still don't really like it. (Sorry Herve!)
Clowning around at lunch in Paris. I look freakish with the glass in my eye, like some fish human mutant hybrid.
Me. Herve's photographic talents showing up.
Tony Abidou, who squired me with endless patience and heart palpitating sexiness around Paris. Big kiss and hug for him.
London:Celebrated my 44th birthday with dear friends, thanks to the deeply kind hospitality of James, David and Grant who kindly lent me their lovely flat. Here's James when I told him just how many people (20 or so) would be coming to the drinks "for 6 people". It's like something out of The Shining.
Paul, me, AD (who was in my Barcelona photos previous chapter), and Richard. Fortunately there are no photos of German, AD's model boyfriend, because just makes everyone else look ridiculously bad when he's in a photo with them.
And then another night, my lovely friend Brad (far right) threw a birthday dinner for me, to which my divine friends Malcolm and Diana (also below) who so kindly always let me use their flat like a hotel when I come to London joined. And in the picture to follow are their two munchkins, making my bed into a trampoline and my room into a shriek box.
Went to Toronto to visit my lesbian posse. We went out on a boat on the lake for my best friend Ruth's friend Dani, below on left with Ruth's girlfriend Susie. Dani captained the boat.

One of my very oldest friends, Mike Kaneva (best friend of one of my ex-wives lineup, Mark) from the London photos above also came to dinner in the garden.

Here's my lovely friend Matthias, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely. He's so lovely I just want to eat him - and this is not a sexual comment you dirty minded pervs - I really do. With his three puggles (cross between a beagle and a pug). They're called Poopy, Annie and Spanky. Don't ask me "Why Poopy?"
Where I met Matthias's (and now mine too) lovely friends Frank and Allen:
I just love Matthias, I really really do.
This has to be the first time I've ever seen you in a collared shirt!
Hi Matthias!!!!
You know - I think you're just trying to make us Sydney siders jealous :)
It was 11.9C MAXIMUM last Friday. Yeah so much for global warming - it was the coldest Sydney day in 12 years.
And there you are lying around on the beach in Spain sloshing back on a caipirinha or two (or three ... or four ...)
You know, I was just thinking of you the other day. Came across some great t-shirts while out shopping (which I know you're addicted to collecting). Found one that I thought would look really HOT HOT HOT on you. Hmmm, maybe I should go buy it for you, so next time you're back in Sydney I can give it to you as welcome home (away from home) present :)
I've been keeping up the training over winter. Still around 102-103kg at the moment. Not bad considering my winter weight is usually 92ish kg.
I'm just hoping that it's not 10kg of extra fat that I'm carrying around
Oh Peter... you have the glamorous life.
I am in Stuttgart right now... just arrived this morning for press approval on a book that I'm working on.
No sleep, as I was in the crying/screaming babies section of the aircraft... not fun.
Is Matthias yer new love interest?
darling, what stunning photographs
We need you to settle down somewhere..
Its all starting to give me a headache..
But I love the stories
Puggles.. Now I have finally seen what they are.. Eeewwww
I just love them casue they are mattias otherwise eeewww...
You well?
Well, I don't have much in the 'witty response' column to offer mainly because
a) you're right; you should stand next to Germans-they do look better. Although maybe you make them look better. Maybe you could think of that as a new career move...?
b) I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms. The olympics is over, which was my excuse to watch TV unabashedly for hours on end (even at work), and talk about medals as if I was personally securing them. Now I've nothing to watch, and my vocabulary has shrunk by 336 sports and 214 countries. What is I going to do?
c) I have two cats (every man needs some pussy in his life), and they like to use my keyboard to make their own literary pieces. Which sorta makes sense given the fact they're named Virgil and Dante.
But on a serious note, as I gave you the idea, where should I put my blog?
Hi babes
Love n kisses from Ubud in Bali where we have been since the beginning of August. Going to Mojo islkands tomorrow for Al s bday and a bit of diving... back to istanbul on the 31st.
Totally enjoyed your blog... you must be on a natural (or chemical) high these days; love the way you are in LOOOVE with everyone and seem to have gathered numerous best friends along the way. Your friends are definitely the highlights :)
Hope all is well and look forward to seeing you somewhere soon.
Huge kiss.
i love what you wrote on your blog ! ! !
the pics are great!
i wish i could take you back out to the island ...lock you up and never let you leave
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