Chapter 25: Mondo man resumes his travels
Friends, romans, countrymen: I've quit my job, and Max and I are outa here. We're off, off, off, into the wild blue yonder. On Wednesday, very early in the morning, we leave for Delhi. I have my double prescription of Cipromol ready. For the foreseeable future I am contactable
on this email, and hopefully (provided roaming works and Orange do not decide again for some spurious reason to bar my phone) on my mobile 07866 455 301.
The basic plan is as follows: India from 20 -29 April, around Rajastan (Taj Mahal etc), then from 29 April to 3 May in Nepal, from 4 May to 14 May in China, around Peking (do people still say Peking, or does everyone Beijing now?), Great Wall, Xian, Shanghai, etc, 14-22 May in Kota Kinabal in Borneo, where I hope to have several great (nonsexual) bonding experiences with
Orangutans, and do some great diving, then 22 May in Bangkok, then 23-26 May in Angor Wat, Cambodia, from 27 May to 20 June we are in Thailand. Initially, for the first 10 days, I shall be doing a fast, purification, and yoga retreat for 10 days on Koh Samui, while Max does his diving course on another island. My primary objective is to find my abdominal muscles again, before it's too late, but if I get some spiritual awakening that will be a plus too. After that I'm going to go join Max on his Island of Ko Tao until 26 June.
If you are anywhere near us, let's make an effort to meet, for I will be yearning to see my
friends again. After end June, who knows where the wind will blow us? Fortunately, the wind blows always, and it reaches all corners of the earth, and of the heart too. So our paths will cross again, I know that for sure. And it is not good bye, since i carry you in my heart with me as I travel always.... so many excellent memories. Thank you. Love you.
on this email, and hopefully (provided roaming works and Orange do not decide again for some spurious reason to bar my phone) on my mobile 07866 455 301.
The basic plan is as follows: India from 20 -29 April, around Rajastan (Taj Mahal etc), then from 29 April to 3 May in Nepal, from 4 May to 14 May in China, around Peking (do people still say Peking, or does everyone Beijing now?), Great Wall, Xian, Shanghai, etc, 14-22 May in Kota Kinabal in Borneo, where I hope to have several great (nonsexual) bonding experiences with
Orangutans, and do some great diving, then 22 May in Bangkok, then 23-26 May in Angor Wat, Cambodia, from 27 May to 20 June we are in Thailand. Initially, for the first 10 days, I shall be doing a fast, purification, and yoga retreat for 10 days on Koh Samui, while Max does his diving course on another island. My primary objective is to find my abdominal muscles again, before it's too late, but if I get some spiritual awakening that will be a plus too. After that I'm going to go join Max on his Island of Ko Tao until 26 June.
If you are anywhere near us, let's make an effort to meet, for I will be yearning to see my
friends again. After end June, who knows where the wind will blow us? Fortunately, the wind blows always, and it reaches all corners of the earth, and of the heart too. So our paths will cross again, I know that for sure. And it is not good bye, since i carry you in my heart with me as I travel always.... so many excellent memories. Thank you. Love you.
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